The fall commencement ceremony 2018 took place at the Sky Hall in the Boissonade Tower, Ichigaya campus on September 15th, 2018. Bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degrees were conferred to 160 graduates.

President Yoko Tanaka delivering the congratulatory address An IIST student receiving master’s degree certificate on behalf of all master’s students
President Yuko Tanaka encouraged graduates to play active roles in the global society with Practical Wisdom which Hosei University emphasizes its value in the university charter. She advised graduates to be free from traditional, conventional thought and formalism and contribute to the society with your own thought and idea. Practical Wisdom the graduates acquired here at Hosei University by a lot of active learning opportunities, i.e. beyond the traditional learning in the class and reading textbooks, will be the key for such achievement.
One of the IIST students had a great honor to receive his master’s degree certificate as the representative of all master’s students of the class 2018 fall. The ceremony ended with singing the school song proudly by all graduates and attendees with Hosei University Academy Choir taking the lead.

The first IIST graduates of the master’s program and their supporting professors and staffs
IIST graduates made a great academic achievement, presenting research outcome at international conferences and publishing journal papers. Their active participation and great contributions to the global society are highly anticipated.