On Saturday, November 27th, the 1st Exchange Meeting for IIST Graduates and Current Students was held online via Zoom from 12:35 pm. Institute of Integrated Science and Technology (IIST) was established in 2016 and has already produced more than 30 graduates. The purpose of this event was to provide an opportunity for IIST graduates and current students to connect with each other, and to encourage interaction among students. The meeting began with a speech by Associate Professor Jinjia Zhou from the Graduate School of Science and Engineering, followed by talks from the representatives of the graduates, who are Mr. Jia Guo, Mr. Emeka Busalire, and Mr. Mahmoud Daif. In the talks, they shared their experience at Hosei University, their life in Japan, their career paths after completion, and the work or research they are currently engaged in. After that, participants were divided into small groups where they had a free conversation with each other and exchanged opinions. On the day, six graduates (one of them is currently enrolled in IIST’s doctoral course) and six current students, for a total of 12 participants, have joined the meeting. They seemed to enjoy the interaction and the atmosphere was very friendly. We will hold these kinds of events continuously in the future. We hope it would be a good chance to build a network between IIST graduates and current students.